A Stronger, United, Sustainable, Voice for Hunter Valley Wine Country

Published on 22 September 2020

Photo of Amy Cooper, CEO, HVWTA, Cessnock City Mayor, Councillor Bob Pynsent and Christina Tulloch, President of the HVWTA in vineyard

In a monumental move that will see enormous potential unlocked for local tourism operators in Australia’s most visited wine region, last Wednesday evening Cessnock City Council (CCC) approved the formation of a Joint Tourism Services Agreement between the Hunter Valley Visitor Information Centre (VIC) and the Hunter Valley Wine and Tourism Association (HVWTA).

It is anticipated that at a Special General Meeting of the member-run Hunter Valley Wine & Tourism Association will see the Agreement formalised in late October, creating a powerful single brand for Hunter Valley Wine Country fulfilling both destination marketing and delivering best practise in-destination tourism services. 

In response to member feedback received earlier in the year the HVWTA sought to streamline services and gain greater resource and asset efficiencies as well as access to funding, by forming a working alliance with Council.

“Building on the momentum of The Alliance, we set out to create one tourism service representing the interests of operators in Hunter Valley Wine Country, delivering  a range of economic benefits to members, while creating a single unified entity to promote, market and advocate on behalf of wine country.  The model will also unlock significant potential funding streams to support a sustainable and highly-competitive tourism brand, capable of advocating across all levels of government.” Explains Christina Tulloch, President of the HVWTA.

“To achieve this we’re working on forming a ‘Joint Tourism Services Agreement’ whereby together with the VIC, the HVWTA will become a more powerful single unified entity to better market and promote the Hunter Valley Wine Country brand and offer visitors to our region a more seamless visitor experience.” Christina adds.

“Beyond the immediate benefit of a seamless visitor experience, with the hefty de-duplication of assets and streamlining resources, working in close partnership has advantages for industry in giving our region its best chance ever of strengthening our presence as a destination of choice. We are using this opportunity to create a more equitable membership model, which is sustainable and predictable. With strong economic benefits of achieving unity between local government and industry, we’ll speak with one voice to attract new funding streams, and to advocate and lobby on behalf of the region.” Comments Amy Cooper, CEO, HVWTA.

A major part of bringing together the two organisations is the creation of a new funding model to identify cost savings, increase income from the visitor economy, improve access to grant funding, and most importantly implementing a fee structure that equitably and fairly levies membership fees from all those who either directly or indirectly rely on the success of the Hunter Valley Wine Country brand to sustain their business.

“It's a win-win for all involved and no doubt there will be significant benefits from a collaborative approach” Comments Mayor Pynsent.

“What it will effectively mean is a single membership for the whole of industry and one strong, united voice to market, promote and advocate for our region.” Comments Tony Chadwick, Council's Economic Development and Tourism Manager.

The Hunter Valley Wine & Tourism Association is hosting an Industry Forum on 24 September at 10am, followed by a Special General Meeting in late October 2020.

For further information or images please contact Kylie White at kyile@hvwta.com.au or phone 0401 408 080 or for comment by Christina Tulloch, President HVWTA contact christina.tulloch@tullochwines.com or Amy Cooper, CEO HVWTA contact amy@hvwta.com.au.

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