Code of conduct

Cessnock City Council is committed to high standards of ethical behaviour in the care and management of the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA). 

The Code of Conduct(PDF, 978KB) is prescribed by regulation and sets the minimum requirements of conduct for Councillors, Council staff and other Council officials (including contractors and volunteers) to act with integrity in the course of carrying out official duties.

The Code of Conduct assists Council officials to:

  • understand and comply with the standards of conduct that are expected of them
  • exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence
  • exercise a reasonable degree of accountability and transparency
  • act in a way that enhances public confidence in local government

The management of matters including conflicts of interest, gifts and benefits and political donations is described within the Code. 

Gifts or benefits

Councillors and staff should refuse gifts or benefits
Councillors and staff must avoid situations that would give rise to the appearance that a person or body is attempting to secure favourable treatment, through the provision of gifts, benefits or hospitality. Councillors and staff should refuse gifts or benefits unless it's allowed in the Code of Conduct and within our policies and procedures.

Political donations and gifts

Donations or gifts given with the intention of benefiting a political party must be disclosed.

Find out more on the Political Donations and Gifts page.

What is a conflict of interest?

Source: NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)