Understanding your Cessnock City Waste Service

Published on 13 July 2020

Understanding your waste service image with three bins

Council provides kerbside waste services to around 22,500 households every year and transports their general household waste to the Cessnock Waste Management Centre. We get lots of questions about the service and want to ensure residents understand how we can assist them.

It can be frustrating when you notice your general waste bin is broken, but did you know Council can repair or replace your damaged bin? Jump on to Council’s website and lodge a request.

If it’s your garden organics bin, call Solo Resource Recovery on 1800 870 250, email yourorganicsbin@solo.com.au or visit Your Organics Bin

If it’s your recycling bin please visit HRR or call 1800 838 884.

Do you often find your recycling bin or garden organics bin isn’t big enough for the waste you’re producing? You have a number of options, first you should look at ways you can reduce your waste otherwise you have the following options:

Council also has a service to assist elderly and disabled people with their waste service and help them get their bins from their yard. This is called our Blue Disc Service and people can apply via the Blue Disc Waste Service application form.

Visit our waste information section to find more helpful information about your waste service.

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